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Science Communication

Ecology is a fascinating field, but sometimes, the technical terms and complexity of concepts used in research can make it a bit hard for us to wrap our heads around, and connect to the content. I have been trying different approaches to make the content within Ecology more relatable & exciting for all. 

Watch the CAS NightSchool talk where I talk about invasive species & their impacts

Shadow on Concrete Wall


Take a look at my article on using embroidery to promote inclusivity in STEM. Don't forget to check out the other amazing SciArt approaches to reach wider audiences!

 Ecology concepts through analogies, metaphors
& similes

 I have been advocating to explain terminology and concepts within Ecology in a more relatable & exciting way for a broader general audience to connect to, through the use of relatable examples & common language.


I led a workshop where the Larios lab came up with great ways to explain common Ecology terminology in a fun and clear way. Here are some of the products of that workshop, enjoy.

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